
Guaranteed Lowest Rates in San Francisco CA

Below are our rates for Segway Rentals in the Bay Area: We do not charge you time/$ money for the Lesson

This is all riding time… Other companies will charge you 30-45min for the lesson, so you can subtract that from your touring time…

1.5 hours – $50
2 hours – $60
2.5 hours -$70
3 hours – $75

4 hours – $85

8 hrs/day – $125
24 hrs/day – $150

2 days – $200

3 days – $ 225

4 days – $ 250

5 days – $ 300

6 days – $ 350
1 week – $375

For a Ride-a-long photographer/guide  just add the price of one more segway

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the common questions are clients are asking, if you have a question that is not answered below, feel free to contact us.

3243 Balboa Street San Francisco, CA 94121

A battery charge will last 2.5 to 3 hours.

You can go up to 20 miles.

You control the speed, but a Segway can be driven around at walking speed-1 mph , but can go up to 12 mph or be set at Turtle Speed-6mph.

YES, with no obligation to rent/tour.

Yes, you can rent and ride without a guide.

Yes, that is correct. We give tours and we have Segway’s available for rent.

We love having visitors from all over the World and we pride ourselves in servicing our customers.

Riding a Segway is easier than you think. We offer no obligation training on how to ride a Segway. If like it you can rent it, if you don’t, there is no obligation. San Francisco Segway Tours and Rentals are ideal for a single San Francisco tour or multiple tours. You can see our prices for tours and rentals on this page. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We love taking care of our customers. We have a friendly and diverse staff and we love showing off the beautiful sites of San Francisco. We have visitors from all over the World and we love giving an outstanding tour experience.